The podcast takes issues from everyday life and poses different questions to the interviewee to get different perspectives. Each person has a view on what they believe to be accurate, and their beliefs have helped or hurt them in life. The Hostess is asking some generic questions about a topic and sometimes playing the Devil’s Advocate to show how perspectives can vary based on what our parents, generational eras, religion/non-religious, and other things in life have taught us.
Monday Apr 06, 2020
What Perspective? An Anchored Perspective: Interview about Dating
Monday Apr 06, 2020
Monday Apr 06, 2020
The Podcast takes issues from everyday life and poses different questions to the interviewee to get different perspectives. Each person has a perspective on what they believe to be true and their beliefs have helped or hurt them in life. The Hostess is asking some generic questions about a topic and sometimes playing the Devil’s Advocate to show how perspectives can vary based on what Your parents, Generational Eras, religion/religious, and Other things in life.
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
The ReRee Show
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
Sunday Mar 29, 2020
The hostess takes issues from everyday life and gives a different view on how to handle those issues from a biblical perspective. The 1st show focuses on how ReRee takes over the show as the hostess is giving information about the topic. You never know when or how ReRee will appear!